Butt augmentation surgery
Butt Increase:
Butt increase alludes to a few restorative methodology that work on the presence of your butt (hindquarters). Strategies might add volume, smooth creased skin and lift abundance listing. The kind of تكبير المؤخرة في دبي a medical procedure you have relies upon your particular strategy. Butt expansion has a few dangers, and recuperation can require up to a couple of months.
What is butt expansion?
Butt increase, likewise called gluteal expansion, makes a rounder, firmer and more young looking bum (butt). Butt increase techniques can eliminate free, hanging skin or develop a compliment surface. Now and again, your plastic specialist might consolidate a medical procedure strategies to give you the outcomes you need.
Butt expansion might utilize fat exchange, embeds or lifting methods to help shape and shape your butt.
1Butt increase comprises of three kinds:
- Butt embeds:
Your plastic specialist embeds silicone inserts into your butt to make a more full shape.
- Brazilian butt lift (BBL):
Your plastic specialist eliminates fat from one piece of your body (liposuction) and infuses it into your butt for added volume.
- Butt lift:
Your plastic specialist eliminates overabundance skin to lift your butt for a smoother, more conditioned appearance.
Who is a decent possibility for butt expansion?
Each butt expansion medical procedure utilizes an alternate method. Thus, you might meet all requirements for one strategy however not another. Converse with your plastic specialist about the best butt expansion choice for you.
As a general rule, you're a decent contender for butt expansion on the off chance that you:
- Are solid.
- Are ready to manage recuperation.
- Try not to have an ongoing condition that disrupts wound recuperating, like diabetes.
- Try not to smoke.
- Have sensible assumptions regarding your outcomes.
How would I get ready for butt expansion medical procedure?
Your plastic specialist will give you directions on the most proficient method to best get ready for your medical procedure. You'll have to stop:
- Smoking something like a month and a half before your medical procedure.
- Taking prescription that increments dying, like anti-inflamatory medicine, NSAIDs and home grown supplements.
What occurs before butt expansion medical procedure?
With every one of the three butt increase medical procedures, you might get general sedation. A great many people are snoozing the whole time and have no worries. Your specialist may likewise give you an anti-infection to forestall disease.
What occurs during butt expansion medical procedure?
Butt increase a medical procedure can require two hours or longer. Each butt expansion medical procedure includes an alternate strategy:
Butt embeds:
Your specialist makes a cut at the top or lower part of your butt, then embeds the inserts inside or beneath your muscle.
Your plastic specialist eliminates undesirable fat by liposuction from one or a few pieces of your body, like your stomach, hips or back. Then, at that point, they infuse that fat into region of your butt, beneath your skin.
Butt lift:
To pull up abundance skin, your plastic specialist makes a cut in your lower back or hips or beneath your butt cheeks. Your specialist then shuts the entry point with lines or another strategy.
What occurs after butt expansion medical procedure?
After butt expansion medical procedure, you might have to:
- Hold back to shower for 24 to 48 hours.
- Sit on a pad and rest on your stomach.
- Some might utilize careful channels.
- Wear pressure pieces of clothing.
You may likewise have to begin (or keep) taking prescriptions, including:
- Anti-infection.
- Torment prescription.
- Medication to forestall blood clusters.
- Stool conditioner.
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